Refiz a cobertura por completo, usando partes do kit que imprimi de novo. Acrescentei um acesso e para disfarçar partes do trabalho que ficaram muito mal, construí alguns detalhes. Cablagem eléctrica forrada a chumbo que por "coincidência" passa exactamente por umas juntas mal executadas e um letreito a OLSEN COFFE para não deixar que a janela mal executada fique tão óbvia.
A junt horizontal resulta de um acrescento que fiz para ter uma plataforma à altura dos vagões. A junta horizontal ficou mal feita por causa de um erro de montagem das paredes logo no início do projecto.
Betumei algumas juntas nos parapeitos para tapar as juntas e pintei a pincel com tintas da Tamiya, aguarelas e pincel seco.
Remade entirely the roof top using parts of the kit that I printed again. Added a hatch and some details to disguise bad craftsmanship. By "coincidence" an electric wire encased in a lead tube passes exactly on two bad joints on the walls. The horizontal joint is due to the added height so I can have a loading platform at car height. The vertical joint was just something that went wrong with my assembly of the walls.
Also added a big sign OLSEN COFFEE, hoping to make conspicuous the window behind that sagged after a clumsy manipulation.
The parapets on the top of the façade were puttied to improve the joint.
Rooftop was texturized with a heavy layer of white glue and later painted with Tamiya flat black. The parapets were painted with aquarelles. The whole got a weathering with dry pastel.
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